We were contacted by a pastor from Many on election night. Since then, we have been contacted by multiple voters.
have now confirmed that independent voters who were legally eligible to
vote for us, and who attempted to vote for us, were precluded from
voting for us. We are now investigating to determine how many voters
were affected. There are approximately 80,000 independent voters in
Western Louisiana/the 4th Congressional District.
The preclusion
of independent voters from voting in the Congressional primary raises
several concerns. Independent voters should not be denied, nor deprived
of, their constitutional right to vote. With the importance of the
upcoming November elections, it is crucial to bring problems to light to
help ensure that these elections are fairly and correctly conducted.
call (318-425-1957) and/or email (johnmilkovichforcongress@gmail.com)
if you are aware of problems with the elections, including independent
voters being precluded from voting in the Congressional Primary.
Carola, Sarah, and I thank you for your prayers, support, and contributions in our campaign for Congress.
John Milkovich
The Federal government and special interests have almost doubled gas prices in 2 years; shipped our jobs and factories overseas and across our borders; allowed our borders to be overrun; raised our taxes on working people; given tax breaks to billionaires; sent the cost of drugs skyrocketing; taken away medical decisions from doctors and patients and lined the pockets of HMOs; endangered our Constitutional rights and freedoms; and assaulted our Traditional Values.
It's time to Stand Up to special interests in Washington. It's time to Stand Up for our Faith, Families, Freedom and Future. I'm Standing Up now to high Gas Prices with our America First Energy Plan.
It's time to Stand Up for Louisiana!
--John Milkovich
I respectfully urge,
in the strongest possible terms, that you please vote against any
proposal which would allow Wall Street bankers or other investment banks
to profit from our pain, receive treasure from our tragedy, or unfairly
benefit from this bailout. Thus, for example, taxpayers should
not be forced to reimburse investment bankers 100 cents on the dollar on
bad loans, for which bankers paid 30 cents on the dollar. The
concern that bankers may exploiting this predicament for their own
profit, is underscored by the fact that large investment banks are
buying up the bad loans in the wake of negotiations on a
taxpayer-financed “bailout”—possibly in hopes of the taxpayers being
forced to pay hundreds of billions in these bad loans .
Simply stated, the taxpayers should not be gouged for the gain of those that operate on Wall Street. This purported Banking Crisis should not be exploited as an opportunity to transfer an immense amount of wealth from the taxpayers to Wall Street.
It would be unfair for taxpayers to be forced to pay for the speculative ventures of others. It would be inequitable that citizens should have to pay for investments that they didn’t make and from which they had nothing to gain. It would be unjust that Wall Street should be allowed to transform this nation’s loss into leverage.
Moreover, not one cent of American taxpayer’s money should go to reimburse foreign banks that tried to buy up American mortgages. Foreign banks took the risk Foreign banks should bear the loss.
While it may be needful to stabilize the financial markets and ensure some level of liquidity in the Capital Market, investment bankers should not be allowed to use this credit crisis as an opportunity to obtain Welfare for Wall Street— or a Windfall for Wall Street.
I ask that your actions be guided not by an agenda to line the pockets of the investors on Wall Street— but a mission to protect the people who live on Main Street.
Milkovich has the right qualities
Milkovich is Gorman's worst nightmare
Increased production of oil and gas in America. U.S. oil companies are currently drilling on just 12 million of the 68 million acres owned by American taxpayers and leased to the oil companies by the federal government
More refineries on American soil. No new refineries have been built on American soil since 1979. Even if crude oil is abundant, there will be an insufficient supply of gas, if America does not have the refinery capacity to refine crude oil into gasoline
Prohibitions against sending American oil to Red China. Everyday, U.S. Oil Companies ship 335,000 barrels of diesel to foreign countries, including Communist China— even though Communist China has the current military capability to destroy 12 American cities with nuclear missiles
Prohibitions against foreign countries buying out American-based oil companies.
Tax Incentives to support the American manufacture of hybrid vehicles which get over 45 miles per gallon and more, to reduce fuel costs and strengthen America's slumping automobile manufacturing industry.
Full speed ahead on alternative fuels and wind power
Prevent the speculation that is manipulating oil prices and sending the cost of gas sky high. According to the testimony of Michael M. Masters, Managing member/Portfolio Manager for Masters Capital Management, LLC, before the Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs, U.S. Senate on May 20, 2008, the price of gas could be cut in half, by preventing Wall Street bankers and financial speculators from manipulating prices in the oil markets, and driving up the cost of gas
A complete investigation into why oil companies are capping productive wells, at a time when the price of gas at the pump is soaring, and an investigation into whether the oil companies are manipulating supply to drive gas prices up. A Review of whether the Justice Department should initiate Legal action to break up and enjoin any monopolistic practices among the oil companies that are contributing to escalating price at the pump.