SHREVEPORT –Congressional Candidate John Milkovich has formally announced that he will hire a disabled Veteran to work on his Congressional staff, to bring a Veteran’s perspective to the Staff of the United States Representative for the 4th Congressional District of Louisiana. As Milkovich has declared, “It is vital to have a veteran’s perspective in the office of the next Congressman for the 4th Congressional District.”
His Plan to Stand Up for Soldiers and Veterans, will call for:
According to Milkovich, “We must honor the men and women that have sacrificed to preserve our freedom, by honoring our promises to them.”
SHREVEPORT –Congressional Candidate John Milkovich has formally announced his intent to stand up for Louisiana’s family-owned farms and ranches when he gets to Washington. Milkovich, who grew up working in cattle ranches, states, “We must preserve the family farms and ranches of Louisiana and America. They are our hope for a reliable food supply for the next generation and beyond.”
Milkovich continued, “We will fight any effort to undermine the family farms and ranches of Louisiana and America. The operation and production of our domestic agricultural community cannot be impaired, without leaving us dependent on foreign food imports and imperiling our future as a nation.”
John’s Plan to Stand Up for Family Farm calls for:
Milkovich has stated, “It is imperative that we fight to preserve the
family Farms and Ranches that help feed America and the World. Our
agricultural traditions, community and way of life are part of our
American heritage.”
National Pro-Life Group Endorses John Milkovich for Congress
A Nationally based Pro-Life Group has endorsed John Milkovich in his Campaign to represent the 4th Congressional District of Louisiana in the United States House of Representatives. Kristen Day, Executive Director of Democrats for Life of America, announced that “Washington needs more leaders like John Milkovich. He has proven his commitment to protecting life at all stages and we are confident that we can count on John to work with us to reduce the abortion rate in America.” Milkovich commented that “Ending abortion, protecting human life at all stages, and respecting the sanctity of human life should not be a partisan issue— but an American priority. We are grateful that Democrats for Life are standing with us as we stand for the Sanctity of Human Life, and Stand Against Abortion.
SHREVEPORT –Congressional Candidate John Milkovich has formally announced his intent to form an advisory committee of small business owners to make concrete recommendations to cut the taxes and regulations that burden Louisiana’s Family-Owned Businesses. Milkovich plans to pursue recommendations from Louisiana’s Family-Owned Businesses, when he gets to Washington, to support our locally owned businesses. Milkovich states, “I am asking for the input of Western Louisiana small business owners to strengthen our Family-Owned Businesses.”
Milkovich noted that small businesses employ nearly half of all employees in the private sector and are responsible for one half of the non-farm Gross Domestic Product. Stated Milkovich, “Family-Owned Businesses strengthen our community by providing jobs, teaching work ethic to the young and helping drive the economy forward. Owning and operating businesses is part of the American Dream, and I will fight for our Family-Owned Businesses.” Milkovich stated that it is time to get the government “off the back” of Louisiana’s small businesses and “Stand up for Louisiana’s Family-Owned Businesses”.
John’s Plan to Support Louisiana’s Family-Owned Businesses includes:
SHREVEPORT –Retired State
Representative Beverly Bruce has officially endorsed Congressional
Candidate John Milkovich in his run for Louisiana’s 4th District saying,
“John Milkovich is an energetic young man of high moral values whose
word is his bond. He has served the public through professional, church
and community activities for many years, working with all socio-economic
groups, and is well prepared to be your voice and conscience in
national government.”
Bruce continued, “John is a devout
Christian and public servant. That is what we need and deserve from
someone serving us in the US Congress. To successfully fulfill the
duties of this office, one MUST be willing to devote themselves fully to
the position and John has made that commitment. I whole-heartedly
support John Milkovich for the US House of Representatives.”
Bruce is a pro-family, pro-life, pro-Christian values legislator and
community leader of integrity, and we are honored by her support,”
remarked John Milkovich. “She spent her legislative career fighting for
Louisiana’s working families.”
John will fight for
Louisiana’s working families by lowering gas prices and protecting our
Traditional Values. John lives with his wife Carola and daughter Sarah
in Keithville, LA.
Abortion: "God values human life. So should we. I am against abortion."
Agriculture: "We must preserve the family farms and ranches that feed America-- and the world."
Communist China: "China's communist dictatorship kills Christians, imprisons freedom seekers, and now possesses nuclear weapons capable of destroying at least 12 American cities. I oppose the most-favored nation status Congress has given to Red China. I oppose sending military technology, American jobs, and our economic future to China."
Corporate Welfare: "I oppose government handouts to huge corporations."
Crime: "Violent criminals must be held accountable. I support steeper penalties for violent assaults."
Democracy: "We must stand up to special interests, professional lobbyists, international corporations, and foreign countries. Governmet belongs to the people-- all of the people."
Economic Development: "Let's build the economy of the future now--with good paying jobs. I oppose strip clubs, pornography, outsourcing jobs, more bureaucracy and higher taxes. They are an economic and moral dead end. The economy of the future will be built on the deployment of Cyber Space; building new factories; agriculture, oil production, construction; and economic expansion across the board!"
Education: "More dollars in the classroom. Less to Washington bureaucrats. Bring back Discipline and Values. Pay support to teachers and staff. Involve community leaders as student mentors. Increase student performance and graduation rates. Children are our future!"
Environment: "I oppose power plants consuming millions of gallons of Louisiana's fresh water to generate electricity for other states. We must work together to preserve our environment."
Faith: "We need to get back to our Spriritual Roots as a Nation-- God, Family, Church, Love of Country, Service to Others. Faith, Family, and Freedom-- these are the pillars of America's strength."
Federal Government: "There are many dedicated public servants. But the federal government has gotten too big, too powerful, too expensive-- too willing to take our rights and freedoms."
Firearms: "I support citizens' individual rights to own firearms."
Foreign Aid: "It is wrong to send taxpayers' money to corrupt tyrants while children here suffer. We can help those in need, without enriching those with greed."
Freedom: "Our rights and freedoms are the bedrock of our constitutional democracy. I advocate more freedom-- not less."
Gas Prices: "Let's cut Gas Prices: More drilling, refineries and alternative fuels. Let's Share Our Values--not Ship Our Oil. Stop Wall Street and Big Oil from inflating gas prices."
HMOs: "You and your doctor should be making medical decisions-- not HMOs."
Immigration: "Those that share in the blessings of America should share in the obligations of American citizenship-- learn our language, learn our history, and pledge allegiance to the Red, White, and Blue!"
Jobs and Trade: "YES to bringing our jobs and factories back home. NO to sending our jobs and factories overseas and across our borders."
Military and Veterans Benefits: "Let's keep our promises to our soldiers and veterans."
Nursing Homes: "Our senior citizens are a national treasure. I have fought nursing home abuse in the courts. I will continue fighting this tragedy in Congress."
Prescription Costs: "Seniors should not have to choose between food and the prescriptions they need. I'm for the import of safe, less expensive medicine. Let's cut the cost of Medicare drugs."
School Choice: "Parents should decide where their children go to school-- not politicians."
School Prayer: "Students and teachers should be allowed to pray. I support a Constitutional Amendment to protect school prayer."
Small Business: "Small and family-owned businesses are vital to our economy, and part of our heritage. I will fight the red tape and taxes that burden small businesses."
Taxes: "When American citizens work five months of the year for the government and pay over 35% of their income in federal, state, and local taxes, something is drastically wrong. Taxes must be reduced NOW!"
Terrorism: "We must aggressively bring wrongdoers to justice and secure our borders. Our rights and freedoms cannot be held hostage by terrorists."
Utility Costs: "I will fight the sky-high gas and utility costs that burden consumers."
Welfare: "Jobs promote self-esteem, dignity, and self-reliance. We need to replace welfare with good jobs."